Chichibu Lime Factory (Saitama)

Chichibu Lime Factory (Saitama)

Chichibu Lime Factory (Saitama)

Chichibu Lime Factory (Saitama)

Mount Buko and the Chichibu Basin

Mount Buko

Moss Phlox at Hitsujiyama Park

Yokoze Station and the red train

Yokoze Station and the red train

Mount Bukō as seen from Yokoze Station

Yokoze Station and the red train

Platform view of Yokoze Station

Yokoze Station sign

Mount Bukō as seen from Yokoze Station

Yokoze Station sign

Platform view of Yokoze Station

Platform view of Yokoze Station

Yokoze Station sign

Platform view of Yokoze Station

Yokoze Station sign

Platform view of Yokoze Station

Platform view of Yokoze Station

Yokoze Station building

Yokoze factory night view

Sunrise seen from the summit of Mt. Buko

Landscape of terraced rice fields Terasaka Rice Terraces in Yokoze Town, Saitama Prefecture

Yokoseura Park Nanban Trading Port Ruins

Yokoseura Park Nanban Trading Port Ruins

Seibu Railway Yokoze Station Building At Yokoze Town, Saitama Prefecture

Idyllic river flow

Mount Buko seen from the heights

Yokoze and Terasaka Rice Terraces

Landscape of terraced rice fields Terasaka Rice Terraces in Yokoze Town, Saitama Prefecture

Chichibu 34 Fudasho Tour No. 7 Mt.

Hachinoko Island and Sasebo Bay

Hachinoko Island and Sasebo Bay

Ashigakubo Ice Pillar

Terasaka rice terraces, cement factory and Mt. Buko

Terasaka rice terraces, cement factory and Mt. Buko

Terasaka rice terraces, cement factory and Mt. Buko

Terasaka rice terraces, cement factory and Mt. Buko

Terasaka rice terraces, cement factory and Mt. Buko

Terasaka rice terraces, cement factory and Mt. Buko

Terasaka rice terraces, cement factory and Mt. Buko

Terasaka rice terraces, cement factory and Mt. Buko

Terasaka rice terraces, cement factory and Mt. Buko

Terasaka rice terraces, cement factory and Mt. Buko

Terasaka rice terraces, cement factory and Mt. Buko

Terasaka rice terraces, cement factory and Mt. Buko

Terasaka rice terraces, cement factory and Mt. Buko

Yokoseura Park Nanban Trading Port Ruins

Moss Phlox Park as seen from Mount Buko

Yokoze River water park development in Yokoze Town, Saitama Prefecture

Terasaka rice terraces and Mt. Buko

Terasaka rice terraces and red spider lily

Terasaka rice terraces and red spider lily (Yokose)

Terasaka rice terraces and red spider lily (Yokose)

Terasaka rice terraces and red spider lily (Yokose)

Yokoze Station_From the station platform

Terasaka rice terraces and red spider lily (Yokose)

Terasaka rice terraces and Mt. Buko

Terasaka rice terraces and red spider lily (Yokose)

Komine mojiji and Kannon

Yokoze Station

Terasaka rice terraces and red spider lily (Yokose)

Terasaka rice terraces and red spider lily (Yokose)

Ashigakubo icicles

Ashigakubo's ice pillar, one of the three major ice pillars of Chichibu in the middle of the night in Ashigakubo, Yokoze Town, Seibu Chichibu Line

Saitama Chichibu Ashigakubo Icicles

Yokoseura Park Nanban Trading Port Ruins

Chichibu 34 Fudasho Tour No. 7 Mt.

Chichibu 34 Fudasho Tour No. 7 Mt.

Chichibu 34 Fudasho Tour No. 7 Mt.

Mt. Buko, the factory, and the scenery of Route 299

Yokoze Town Museum of History and Folklore in Yokoze Town, Saitama Prefecture

Ashigakubo's ice pillar, one of the three major ice pillars of Chichibu in the middle of the night in Ashigakubo, Yokoze Town, Seibu Chichibu Line

Ashigakubo icicles

Terasaka Rice Terrace 1

Ashigakubo Ice Pillar Illuminated

Chichibu 34 Fudasho Tour No. 7 Mt.

Chichibu 34 Fudasho Tour No. 7 Mt.

Chichibu 34 Fudasho Tour No. 7 Mt.

Chichibu 34 Fudasho Tour No. 7 Mt.

Icicles of Ashigakubo

A decayed signboard on a snowy road

Terasaka Rice Terrace 2

Carp streamer on a sunny day in May

Icicles lit up in red

Ashigakubo icicles

Komine maple at Saizenji (Chichibu)

Ashigakubo Ice Pillar

Yokoze Station building

Yokoze Station building

Yokoze Station and the red train

Yokoze Station

Terasaka rice terraces and red spider lily

Terasaka rice terraces and red spider lily (Yokose)

Yokoze Station_In front of the ticket gate

Yokoze station_entrance

Rice terrace
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