Oigawa Railway Okuoi Lake Station Autumn leaves

Oigawa Railway Okuoi Lake Station Autumn leaves

Oigawa Railway Okuoi Kojo Station Train

Train passing through the iron bridge

Train passing through the iron bridge

Autumn leaves of Oigawa Railway Okuoi Lake Station

Oi River No. 4 Bridge

Oi River No. 4 Bridge

Oi River No. 4 Bridge

Train passing through the iron bridge

Oigawa Railway Igawa Line train window

Railway bridge and mountains of Oigawa Railway

Railway bridge and mountains of Oigawa Railway

Oi River No. 4 Bridge

Oi River No. 4 Bridge

Railway bridge and mountains of Oigawa Railway

Railway bridge and mountains of Oigawa Railway

Train passing through the iron bridge

Okuoi Lake Station

Autumn leaves of Oigawa Railway Okuoi Lake Station

Oigawa Railway Abt system train heading to Okuoikojo Station

Oikojo Station in the fog

Shizuoka Prefecture Sumatakyo Onsen Ozakizaka Observatory

Oigawa Railway Okuoi Lake Station

Oigawa Railway Okuoi Lake Station

Dream suspension bridge

<Shizuoka Prefecture>Shiogo suspension bridge

<Shizuoka Prefecture>Shiogo suspension bridge

<Shizuoka Prefecture>Shiogo suspension bridge

<Shizuoka Prefecture>Shiogo suspension bridge

Autumn leaves of Oigawa Railway Okuoi Lake Station

Autumn leaves of Oigawa Railway Okuoi Lake Station

Autumn leaves of Oigawa Railway Okuoi Lake Station

Autumn leaves of Oigawa Railway Okuoi Lake Station

Oigawa Railway and Oigawa River

Oigawa Railway: Okuoikojo Station

Oigawa Railway Okuoi Lake Station Tunnel

Horai Bridge at sunrise

Horai Bridge at sunrise

Autumn leaves of Oigawa Railway Okuoi Lake Station

Autumn leaves of Oigawa Railway Okuoi Lake Station

<Shizuoka Prefecture>Shiogo suspension bridge

<Shizuoka Prefecture>Shiogo suspension bridge

<Shizuoka Prefecture>Shiogo suspension bridge

SL interior view

Local train Oigawa Railway

Lake Sesso seen from Okuoi Rainbow Bridge

Lake Sesso seen from Okuoi Rainbow Bridge

Lake Sesso seen from Okuoi Rainbow Bridge

Okuoi Rainbow Bridge seen from the shade of the trees

Lake Sesso seen from Okuoi Rainbow Bridge

The emerald green Lake Sesso seen from the train window

Lake Sesso seen from Okuoi Rainbow Bridge

Oigawa Railway Ikawa Line train at Senzu Station in late summer

Okuoi Rainbow Bridge seen from the shade of the trees

The emerald green Lake Sesso seen from the train window

Lake Sesso seen from Okuoi Rainbow Bridge

Steam locomotive pulling a train 1 (Kawane, Shizuoka Prefecture)

Oigawa Railway, Senzu Station, Ikawa Line passenger car coupler

Oigawa Railway Ikawa Line train at Senzu Station in late summer

Nagashima Dam in late summer as seen from the Ikawa Line train window

Abt locomotive on the Oigawa Railway Ikawa Line

Abt system locomotives and Abt system tracks on the Ikawa Line

Abt locomotive on the Oigawa Railway Ikawa Line

The old Ikawa Line railway bridge and Lake Sesso seen from Kojo Station

Oigawa Railway Ikawa Line train entering a tunnel

Ikawa Line Okuoi Rainbow Bridge

The emerald green Lake Sesso seen from the train window

The steep slope of the Ikawa Line Abt section seen from the train window

The steep slope of the Ikawa Line Abt section seen from the train window

View of Okuoi Rainbow Bridge from Kojo Station

The emerald green Lake Sesso seen from Kojo Station

The emerald green Lake Sesso seen from Kojo Station

Abt locomotive on the Oigawa Railway Ikawa Line in late summer

The emerald green Lake Sesso seen from Kojo Station

The emerald green Lake Sesso seen from Kojo Station

View of Okuoi Rainbow Bridge from Kojo Station

Okuoikojo Station

Nagashima Dam in late summer as seen from the Ikawa Line train window

Nagashima Dam in late summer as seen from the Ikawa Line train window

Nagashima Dam in late summer as seen from the Ikawa Line train window

Nagashima Dam in late summer as seen from the Ikawa Line train window

Nagashima Dam in late summer as seen from the Ikawa Line train window

View from the train window of the Ikawa Line: Ichidai Suspension Bridge, which cars can also cross

Abt train rails on the Oigawa Railway Ikawa Line

Abt locomotive on the Oigawa Railway Ikawa Line

View of Okuoi Rainbow Bridge from Kojo Station


Oigawa Railway Ikawa Line train at Senzu Station in late summer

An Ikawa Line train arriving at its final stop, Senzu Station

An Ikawa Line train departing Senzu Station in late summer

Turntable at Senzu Station

Train passing through the iron bridge

Oigawa Railway and SL


Okuoi Lake Station


Nagashima Dam (Kawanehon Town, Shizuoka Prefecture)

Oigawa Railway Steam Locomotive

Oigawa Railway Steam Locomotive
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