pounding mochi

pounding mochi

pounding mochi

pounding mochi

Mochi with mochi

Mochi with mochi

pound cake on marble

pound cake made with black tea

Tea pound cake (wood grain)

Making a miracle cake

pounding mochi

pounding mochi

Making a miracle cake

Handmade pound cake

pounding mochi

Tea pound cake and cross section

Various bread and pound cake (vertical)

Various bread and pound cake (right above)

Various breads and pound cakes

White rice cake

Christmas cake


Pound cake

pounding mochi

Making a miracle cake

Pound cake with coconut oil

Mochi with mochi

pounding mochi

pounding mochi

pounding mochi

various bread toppings

Various bread vertical

Various breads (above)

Mochi with mochi

pounding mochi


Mochi with mochi

pounding mochi

pounding mochi

Mochi with mochi

Mochifuri mochi

Freshly made mochi

pounding mochi

pounding mochi

Takumi and mochi right

Extreme cake

pounding mochi


Mochi with mochi


Takumi and mochi

Mochi with mochi

pounding mochi


Pink Mochi

Celebration Mochi

Mochi rice put into a wooden mortar

Cake and daffodils


Pound cake

Cake molds 4

Various cake molds 5

Cake molds 3

Various cake molds 1

Various cake molds 2

Mochi with mochi

Seychelles dark brown confectionery

Pure white rice cakes in a wooden mortar

Carrot cake


Pound cake

pounding mochi

Pound cake and hot chai tea

Rice cake (Maruki)

Strawberry Crunchy Pound Cake

Dried fruit pound cake

Dried fruit pound cake

Dried fruit pound cake

Chocolate Gateau

Banana pound cake

Pound Cake 2

Pound cake

Banana pound cake (close-up)

Mochi Pounding①

Pound cake (lemon cake)

Caramel pound cake

Line up handmade rice cakes

Freshly pounded natto mochi

Freshly pounded natto mochi

Dried fruit pound cake

Dried fruit pound cake

Make shrimp rice cakes

Two freshly baked pound cakes

Dried fruit pound cake

Dried fruit pound cake
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