Dazzlingly shining fruit of the Japanese holly

Dazzlingly shining fruit of the Japanese holly

Dazzlingly shining fruit of the Japanese holly

Dazzlingly shining fruit of the Japanese holly

Dazzlingly shining fruit of the Japanese holly

Dazzlingly shining fruit of the Japanese holly

Dazzlingly shining fruit of the Japanese holly

Dazzlingly shining fruit of the Japanese holly

The Japanese holly has lots of red berries

The Japanese holly has lots of red berries

Longstalk holly with red fruits

Soyogo fruit


The Japanese holly has lots of red berries

The Japanese holly has lots of red berries

The Japanese holly has lots of red berries



Japanese holly fruit waiting to turn color

Japanese holly fruit waiting to turn color

Japanese holly fruit waiting to turn color

Longstalk holly winter blue red fruit holly holly holly soyogi holly

Bark of Japanese holly

White flowers of longstalk holly

Soyogo 2

Red fruit of longstalk holly

Cutouts of Soyogo leaves and fruits (PSD transparent background)




The symbolic tree of the garden is the red berry

Japanese holly flower

Red soyogo berries floating on a transparent green background

White flowers of longstalk holly

Close up the bright red fruit of Soyogo!

Red soyogo berries floating on a transparent green background

Close up the bright red fruit of Soyogo!

Soyogo tree with red berries

Clipping of Soyogo leaves (PSD transparent)

Red soyogo berries floating on a transparent green background

Red soyogo berries floating on a transparent green background

Soyogo red fruit


Soyogo red fruit

A close-up of the refreshing red soyogo fruit



Red Soyogo berries that decorate the water park in autumn




Soyogo (flower)

Soyogo (flower)

Soyogo (flower)


Soyogo (flower)

Soyogo (flower)

Soyogo (flower)

Japanese holly flower and ants

Soyogo (Holly)

Soyogo (Holly)

Soyogo (Holly)

Japanese holly flower and ants

Soyogo (Holly)

Soyogo (Holly)

Soyogo (Holly)

Soyogo (Holly)

Soyogo (Holly)

Soyogo fruit


Soyogo of Hikawa Shrine in Akasaka, Tokyo


Red berries of Japanese holly

Soyogo, Akasaka 4-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo

soyogo tree

Soyogo that blooms many small white flowers

Red berries of Japanese holly

Soyogo of Hikawa Shrine in Akasaka, Tokyo

Soyogo, Akasaka 4-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Red berries of Soyogo sit on the leaves at Akasaka 4-chome.

yellow fruit on the soyogo tree

Soyogo fruit


Red berries of Soyogo floating in the blue sky

Soyogo of Hikawa Shrine in Akasaka, Tokyo

Soyogo, Akasaka 4-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Soyogo no Mi, Akasaka 4-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Beautiful grasshoppers in Ushiku Nature Observation Forest, Ibaraki Prefecture

Soyogo of Hikawa Shrine in Akasaka, Tokyo


Soyogo that blooms many small white flowers

Red berries of Soyogo floating in the blue sky

Soyogo that blooms many small white flowers

Soyogo that blooms many small white flowers


Red soyogo berries are vivid

Soyogo red fruit

Red soyogo berries are vivid


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