Girl hitting a tambourine

Children playing musical instruments

Pretty girl playing harmonica

A child surrounded by musical instruments

At the hands of children who sit and play

A child who stretches out and hugs a girl

Boy watching a harmonica girl

3 children playing

A child with a microphone and a child playing the drums

A child singing with a microphone

A child holding a harmonica and tilting his head

A child holding a guitar and looking at the camera

Children enjoying musical instruments and a teacher praising and applauding

Men and women who hold musical instruments and listen to stories

Boys and girls staring at each other

Girls and women practicing drums

Kids and females playing the keyboard

Female playing with a girl

Sideways girl playing the keyboard

Anxious child ringing a bell

Girl playing harmonica

Teacher enjoying musical instruments with children (sepia)

A boy who speaks while hitting with a drumstick

Teacher applauding everyone 2

Children who are happy to have a musical instrument

Children holding musical instruments and staring at something

Girl interested in guitar

A girl sitting upright and hitting the drums

Hands of a child playing with a xylophone

Women and children playing musical instruments

A child holding a microphone and singing happily

Girl playing the piano by the tree

Hands and feet of a child playing with a xylophone

Girl looking at the camera with a smile

A woman playing the drums with her child

A bird's-eye view of musical instruments and smiling children

Girl playing harmonica

A cute kid playing with a xylophone

Hands to hit the colorful xylophone

A child sitting upright and playing with a xylophone

A singing child and a child playing the drums

A child trying to hit a pot with a ladle

A smiling child holding a drumstick

Children staring at each other during the performance

Children lined up with musical instruments

Men and women playing guitar and drums

A girl who looks happy to hit the xylophone

A boy ringing a bell happily

Child holding maracas with both hands

A child playing harmonica and drums

A girl holding a guitar and a child hugging

Girl holding maracas with both hands

Front-facing girl blowing a whistle

A smiling girl with a harmonica

A child playing the drums with a woman

Girls playing drums, teachers and children

Teacher showing something during music time and curious children

A boy practicing playing the drums

A child looking at the camera practicing a xylophone

The teacher explaining during music time

Teacher and children teaching taiko

The teacher talking during music time

The teacher clapping his hands to teach the rhythm

Teacher and children clapping hands and drums

The teacher rings the bell and teaches the rhythm

Teacher listening to children during music time

Women and children playing drums together

Girl shaking maracas with a smile

Pretty girl with a guitar

Girl with maracas in both hands

Child playing the drums

A girl playing an instrument happily

A child playing the guitar happily

Girl playing guitar

A woman holding a child's hand and hitting a drum

Children with guitar and microphone

Girl hitting with a wooden spatula

Enthusiastic kid and drum kid

At hand playing the keyboard

A kid with a microphone and a kid on drums

A child singing with a microphone and a child with a keyboard

Girl playing guitar with a smile

Child blowing a whistle

A child hitting a xylophone

Kids playing with kitchen utensils

A girl playing with a xylophone seen from above

Girl trying to hit the drum

Children holding musical instruments and looking at each other

Smiley children playing musical instruments

Colorful maracas and xylophone

A girl who shakes maracas happily

Boy with drumstick

A girl hitting a tambourine with a smile

Surprised girl with a guitar

A child playing by hitting a pot

Boy playing with kitchen utensils

A child who hits the drum and a child who has a microphone

Girl playing with mallets

A smiling child playing the keyboard

A girl who seems to have fun ringing a bell
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