A flock of swans flying out

Wigeon flapping its wings

Wigeon flapping its wings

Little Grebe running on the surface of the river

Grey Heron on the Rocks

Little Grebe leaps out of the water

A swan standing on a snowy beach. Aomori, Goho Park

A swan standing on a snowy beach. Aomori, Goho Park

A duck floating on the blue water

Close-up of a Grey Heron

Little Grebe flapping its wings on the water

A little grebe flapping its wings and running across the water

Wigeon flapping its wings

Grey Heron on the Rocks

Wigeon flapping its wings

Ducks basking in the sun

Close-up of a Grey Heron

Black-headed gulls floating on the blue lake

Little Grebe dashing across the water

Grey Heron on the Rocks

Grey Heron on the Rocks

Kamakura City's Ofuna and Yato Pond, where waterfowl gather

A flock of swans arriving at Sugo-numa in Joso City

Two whooper swans flying over Joso City

Flock of waterfowl

Waterfowl searching for food

A coot swimming on the calm water

Two swans living in Sugo-numa in Joso City

Rock Thrush walking①

Three waterfowl


Two birds?

A Wigeon relaxing amongst fallen autumn leaves


Rock Thrush walking②

The castle tower stands out against the blue sky, and a heron stands on the railing

Ducks swimming together

A black-tailed gull resting on the beach. Aomori, Goho Park

A black-tailed gull resting on the sand at Goho Park in Aomori.

Swan on Lake Yamanaka

Mount Fuji and swans floating on Lake Yamanaka

Great Egret entering a river to feed

The buttocks of a great crested grebe swimming in a pond

Great Crested Grebe swimming in a pond

Crested Grebe flapping its wings

Great Crested Grebe swimming in a pond

Crested Grebe flapping its wings

Great Crested Grebe swimming in a pond

Great Crested Grebe swimming in a pond

Crested Grebe flapping its wings

Great Crested Grebe swimming in a pond

Orange-spotted bittern

Young Whooper Swan


Two Ducks

Two swimming mallards

The beautiful silhouette of a van reflected on the water

Male Tufted Duck swimming

A coot facing forward

A flock of swans at Sugo-numa

Mute swans in Shiratori Village, Itako City

A male Tufted Duck stretching while swimming

The expression of a spot-billed duck floating on the water

A heron preening on one leg by the pond

Whooper swans in Shiratori Village, Itako City

A mallard duck floating on the quiet water


Two whooper swans swimming in Sugo Swamp

A teal duck on a winter river

A flying whooper swan at Sugo-numa

A flock of spot-billed ducks gathering at the water's edge

Tufted duck swimming 4

Little Grebe in winter plumage swimming in the river

A male Northern Shoveler swimming in the river

Goose 2

Goose 3

Ducks swimming silently

Tufted duck swimming 2

Little Grebe in winter plumage swimming in the river

A male Northern Shoveler swimming in the river

Tufted duck

Black-headed gulls flying over the lake

A pair of Wigeon floating on the water

Black-headed gulls at Ushiku Numa Waterfront Park in Ryugasaki City

Whooper swans at Sugo-numa in Joso City

A female gadwall swimming gracefully

Tufted duck swimming 3

Black-headed gulls swimming on the lake

Mallards swimming on a quiet lake

Flock of Penguins

Herons standing on the moat and Kokura Castle

Mallards and a mirror-like lake

A flock of whooper swans at Sugo-numa

Penguin looking at his belly

Swimming Penguin

Coot, close up

Mute swans at Ushiku Numa Waterfront Park in Ryugasaki City

Great Egret Standing on a Bank

Leaning forward penguin

A red-legged sandpiper walking along the rocks
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