Miso Haagi

Miso Haki (Fresh)

Lythrum ancesps

Lythrum salicaria

Lythrum salicaria

Lythrum salicaria flower


Lythrum ancesps

Cute pink lythrum flower

Lythrum flower up

Cabbage white butterfly


Lythrum ancesps

Lythrum ancesps

Cabbage white butterfly

Lythrum ancesps

Cabbage white butterfly


Lythrum ancesps

Lythrum ancesps

Lythrum flowers

Lythrum anceps and cabbage white butterfly

Lythrum ancesps

Lythrum ④

Ezo loosestrife


Cabbage white butterfly

Lythrum salicaria flower field and blue sky

Lythrum salicaria flower field and blue sky

Lythrum ancesps

Lythrum ancesps

Lythrum ⑤

Cabbage white butterfly

Lythrum ancesps

Scenery of blooming misohagi

Lythrum ancesps

Cabbage white butterfly

Cabbage white butterfly

Lythrum salicaria 1

Lythrum salicaria

Lythrum salicaria

Lythrum salicaria

Lythrum salicaria



Lythrum ancesps


Lythrum ①

Lythrum ③

Lythrum salicaria and the flight of a swallowtail butterfly that came to drink nectar④


A swallowtail butterfly fluttering in a field of Lythrum salicaria

Beautifully blooming Lythrum salicaria

Papilio machaon and Lythrum anceps

Cabbage white butterfly

Lythrum salicaria

Lythrum salicaria

Lythrum salicaria and blue sky

Lythrum salicaria

A cluster of Lythrum salicaria and blue skies

Lythrum ancesps ②

Lythrum in the rain

Lythrum ancesps

Lythrum ancesps

Lythrum ancesps

Lythrum salicaria and the flight of a swallowtail butterfly that came to drink nectar②

Lythrum salicaria and the flight of a swallowtail butterfly that came to drink nectar③


Lythrum flowers


Lythrum ancesps

Lythrum flower

Cabbage white butterfly

Cabbage white butterfly

Cabbage white butterfly

Cabbage white butterfly

Lythrum salicaria flower (center)

Lythrum salicaria

Lythrum salicaria


Lythrum salicaria

Papilio machaon sucking the nectar of the loosestrife in full bloom

Lythrum flower

Misohagi (Misogi Hagi)

A flower that invites butterflies with sweet nectar

Kooniyama stopped at the lythrum

Misohagi (Misogi Hagi)

Lythrum salicaria blooming in the mountains and fields

Lythrum salicaria

Lots of Lythrum salicaria!

Lythrum salicaria

Lythrum salicaria

Lythrum salicaria

Lythrum salicaria in full bloom

Rest Area

Lythrum salicaria 2-4

Lythrum salicaria 2-1

Lythrum salicaria 2-5

Lythrum salicaria 2-2

Lythrum salicaria 2-3
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