A bottle of aroma oil in the green

A bottle of aroma oil in the green

Dropper that sucked aroma oil

A bottle of aroma oil in the plant

A bottle of aroma oil in the green

Aroma oil bottle and dropper

Aroma oil bottle

Test tube aroma oil and water droplets

Aroma oil bottle and green

A bottle of aroma oil in the green

Aroma oil bottle and dropper

Aroma oil bottle

A bottle of aroma oil in the green

A bottle of aroma oil in the green

Specular blue sky

Hotel washroom


Bengal kitten watching the mirror


Vanity top

hand mirror

Green reflected in water

Green reflected in water

Tengu Pond, a paradise in the sky of the Northern Alps

Antique mirror 2

Rural scenery with mountains reflected in rice fields in the early morning

Red Marble


Okinawa's Winter Water Surface and Sky Mirror

Young woman putting on makeup at home

Blue sky reflected on the water

Pine leaves after the rain

Matsumoto Castle Castle Tower

Golf course pond and blue sky

Woman looking in mirror

Autumn leaves reflected on the water surface

World Heritage Site Daigoji Temple, Benten Pond, Taiko Bridge in Kyoto City

Autumn leaves reflected on the water

Ground with puddles

Winter scenery of Benten Pond at Daigoji Temple, a World Heritage Site in Kyoto City

Snow scene at Bentendo Hall of Daigoji Temple, a World Heritage Site in Kyoto City


A neon dream of the water surface


A teal dancing gracefully across a sparkling water pond

A teal dancing gracefully across a sparkling water pond

Lake Yogo

Lake Yogo


A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

A wigeon, a winter messenger, gracefully dancing in the waterside pond

Wigeon cuddling together

A group of mallards flying in the shallows of a water pond

A group of mallards ducklings on the island in the waterfront pond

A group of mallards ducklings on the island in the waterfront pond

A group of mallards flying in the shallows of a water pond

A group of mallards ducklings on an island in a waterfront pond

A group of mallards ducklings on an island in a waterfront pond

A group of mallards ducklings on the island in the waterfront pond

A group of mallards flying in the shallows of a water pond

A group of mallards flying in the shallows of a water pond

Wigeon gracefully dancing in the water pond

A group of mallards flying in the shallows of a water pond

A group of mallards flying in the shallows of a water pond

Inverted Fuji in winter at Lake Yamanaka

Forest and pond fountain

Forest and pond fountain 2

Inverted Fuji in winter at Lake Yamanaka

Blue sky and inverted Mt. Fuji

Seagulls floating on calm water

Starry night on the terraced rice fields

Golden Time Ocean

Reflection of autumn leaves on Lake Megami

Clear blue sky and a relaxing teal

Clear blue sky and a relaxing teal

Clear blue sky and a relaxing teal

Clear blue sky and a relaxing teal

Clear blue sky and a relaxing teal

Clear blue sky and a relaxing teal

Clear blue sky and a relaxing teal

A duck swimming in a water pond

Mountains reflected in the lake
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