A boy running through the blue sky and grassland

Ukima Park

Ukima Park

Ukima Park

Playground equipment

Playground equipment

Playground equipment

Playground equipment

Tokoh anak-anak dengan berkas 8

Baseball anak lanang 1

Murid sekolah dasar lan bocah cilik 29

Murid sekolah dasar lan bocah cilik 8

Bocah-bocah wadon lan bocah-bocah nganggo kacamata njupuk gelangan ing jero banyu lan lanang 1

Anak SD lan bocah SD

Elementary school boy and girl 35

Murid sing maca buku 14

Sekolah dasar bocah lanang lan wadon 34

Lanskap muter baseball manca 6

Anak sekolah lanang lan wadon 20

A family with a lot of harvest and a smile

Anak sekolah lanang lan wadon 28

Bocah sekolah dasar 5

Anak asing 56

A family with a lot of harvest and a smile

studio photography

Sekolah dasar bocah lanang lan wadon 30

Rama lan putra 9

Parent and child looking at the camera and grandmother

A smiling boy holding a harvested persimmon

Father and son who move to the countryside and take a commemorative photo

Anak lanang nyebar ing blumbang karo snorkeling 5

Boy holding hands

Bocah sekolah dasar 4

Son pulling mother's cheek

Anak sekolah lanang lan wadon 16

A smiling boy wearing a hat

Anak-anak muter ing pekarangan 4

Bocah sekolah dasar 3

Parents and grandmothers snuggling up

Girl happy to see the cake

Grandchildren and grandmothers looking at books

Boy frolicking between grandmother and mother

Happy grandchildren and grandmother

Parents and grandmothers with cheeks

Flower gifts, parents and children and grandchildren

Son sitting on mother's lap

Son and mother rejoice in harvesting pears

A smiling boy hugged by his mother

Anak ing alas 2

Son and parents riding a unicycle

Children talking to see presents

Parents and children talking on the roadside

A girl and a boy riding a sled 1

A smiling grandmother holding her grandchildren

Grandchildren snuggling up to grandmother in a wheelchair

Grandmother staring at her grandchildren

Child splitting pinata

Grandmother talking while holding her grandmother's hand

Parent and child and grandmother on a walk

Girls snuggling up to boys

Boy painting with paints on bookshelf background

Grandmother and mother lifting a boy

Wong njaba negor: Tiga generasi kulawarga 200

Boy 4 standing in the meadow

Boy who can touch the cheek

Keluarga lining ing mburi blumbang 4

Bocah-bocah dolanan dolanan karo bal pantai ing kolam renang lan lanang 1

Women and children who brought the cake

boy catching bugs

Ibu lan anak ngadeg kanthi sikil ing pojok saka njero blumbang 2

A boy touching a balloon and looking at the camera

boy catching bugs

Woman rescuing boy in pool

man touching boy's face

A woman who turns the boy's face sideways

Kulawarga ing alas 63

boy playing on a swing

boy studying on the bookshelf background

Boy playing with soap bubbles on jungle gym

boy playing on jungle gym

Child tying a string

A boy climbing the stairs with a butterfly net

Anak tangan ndemek komputer

Murid sekolah dasar lan bocah cilik 9

Njupuk nglangi ing jero ruangan 3

Elementary school boys and girls 5

Lansekap muter baseball

Elementary school boy 10

Kue ulang tahun lan lanang 6

Grandmother feeding grandchildren

Where the family is eating rice balls

Murid sekolah dasar lan bocah cilik 27

Family moving to the countryside and taking a commemorative photo

Smile boy sitting on a chair
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