Clear blue sky and a relaxing teal

Waltzing Teal

Clear blue sky and a relaxing teal

A duck swimming in a water pond

Clear blue sky and a relaxing teal

A group of mallards marching in the clear blue sky

Three swans flying over Sugo-numa

Clear blue sky and a relaxing teal

waterfowl 2

Swans that seem to be having a conversation

Clear blue sky and a relaxing teal

A group of mallards marching in the clear blue sky

Waltzing Teal

Waltzing Teal

Clear blue sky and a relaxing teal

Kamakura City's Ofuna and Yato Pond, where waterfowl gather

A flock of swans flying out

A flock of swans flying out, with a mountain background

A flock of swans flying out, with a mountain background

A flock of swans flying out

A flock of swans flying out

A flock of swans flying out, with a mountain background

A flock of swans flying out, with a mountain background

A flock of swans flying out

A flock of swans flying out, with a mountain background

Rock Thrush walking①

A flock of swans flying out, with a mountain background

A flock of swans flying out, with a mountain background

A flock of swans flying out

A flock of swans flying out

Black-headed gull flying over the water

A flock of swans flying out, with a mountain background

Rock Thrush walking②

The castle tower stands out against the blue sky, and a heron stands on the railing

A black-tailed gull resting on the beach. Aomori, Goho Park




Spot-billed ducks swimming in the river

A black-tailed gull resting on the sand at Goho Park in Aomori.




Little Egret foraging in a rice paddy in early summer

Grey heron by the water



A duck scratching its cheek with its webbed feet


Wigeon Flight



Great Egret entering a river to feed

Mallard ducks croaking on the water

A flock of swans flying out

Black-headed gull and building

A coot swimming in quiet water

Grey Heron on the Rocks

Close-up of a Grey Heron

Black-headed gulls and Osaka Castle

A coot swimming near the water

A flock of swans flying out

Ducks on a Quiet Pond

A flock of swans flying out

Black-headed gulls floating on the water

A flying black-headed gull

Grey Heron on the Rocks

Black-headed gulls flying in the blue sky


Close-up of a Grey Heron

Black-headed Gull

Grey Heron on the Rocks

Grey Heron on the Rocks

A flock of swans flying out

A flock of swans flying out

Coot swimming in the river

Great Crested Grebe swimming in the Seto Inland Sea

A flock of waterfowl resting on a winter lake

Swan on Lake Yamanaka

A flock of waterfowl resting on a winter lake

A beautiful white heron reflected on the river surface

Ducks basking in the sun

Mount Fuji and swans floating on Lake Yamanaka

A large egret that sits motionless waiting for prey fish

Wigeon flapping its wings

Flock of waterfowl

Wigeon flapping its wings

Waterfowl searching for food

Wigeon flapping its wings

Swan in the evening

Swans looking up (evening)

Wigeon flapping its wings

Four Swans

Three waterfowl


Two birds?

Advancing swan

Ducks swimming together

Two whooper swans flying over Joso City

A duck floating on the blue water
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