Kerikeri River (New Zealand)

Kerikeri River (New Zealand)

The remains of the Chofu Mori residence in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture

The remains of the Chofu Mori residence in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture

The remains of the Chofu Mori residence in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture

Kerikeri River (New Zealand)

Kerikeri River (New Zealand)

Kerikeri River (New Zealand)

Kerikeri River (New Zealand)

Kerikeri River (New Zealand)

Stone Store (New Zealand)

Kerikeri River (New Zealand)

Kerikeri River (New Zealand)

Stone Store (New Zealand)

Kerikeri River (New Zealand)

Overseas Church (New Zealand)

Overseas Church (New Zealand)

Overseas Church (New Zealand)

Kerikeri (New Zealand)

Chofu garden. Japanese apology. Yamaguchi Prefecture.

Overseas Church (New Zealand)

Stone Store (New Zealand)

Stone Store (New Zealand)

Overseas Church (New Zealand)

Stone Store (New Zealand)

Overseas Church (New Zealand)

Kerikeri River (New Zealand)

Horiuchi District, Hagi City Former Asa Mori Family Hagi Mansion Row House

Hagi City Former Asa Mori family Hagi mansion tenement gate

Chofu garden. Japanese apology. Yamaguchi Prefecture.

Stone Store (New Zealand)

Stone Store (New Zealand)

At Chofu Garden, Yamaguchi Prefecture. Rest place. apology

Stone lantern in Chofu garden. Japanese apology. Yamaguchi Prefecture

Overseas Church (New Zealand)

Kerikeri (New Zealand)

Stone Store (New Zealand)

Kerikeri River (New Zealand)

Kerikeri (New Zealand)

Chofu garden. Japanese apology. Yamaguchi Prefecture.

Chofu garden. Japanese apology. Yamaguchi Prefecture.

Kerikeri River (New Zealand)

Stone Store (New Zealand)

Hiroshima Castle in early summer Hiroshima Castle in the fresh green season Walk around the castle (green road)

Stone Store (New Zealand)

Kerikeri River (New Zealand)

Hiroshima Castle "Main Tower" (restoration) in the fresh green season of Hiroshima in early summer

Kerikeri River (New Zealand)

Kerikeri River (New Zealand)

Kerikeri River (New Zealand)

Kerikeri River (New Zealand)

Kerikeri River (New Zealand)

Hagi Castle Ruins

Hinokicho Park next to Tokyo Midtown

Hinokicho Park next to Tokyo Midtown

Hinokicho Park next to Tokyo Midtown

Hinokicho Park next to Tokyo Midtown

Hinokicho Park next to Tokyo Midtown

Hinokicho Park next to Tokyo Midtown

Hinokicho Park next to Tokyo Midtown

Hinokicho Park next to Tokyo Midtown

Hinokicho Park next to Tokyo Midtown

Hiroshima Castle in early summer Hiroshima Castle "Tenshukaku" (restoration) and the cornerstone of the castle tower in the fresh green season

Hiroshima Castle "Main Tower" (restoration) in the fresh green season of Hiroshima in early summer

Hiroshima Castle "Main Tower" (restoration) in the fresh green season of Hiroshima in early summer

Maori Museum

Roppongi, Minato-ku Minato-ku Hinokicho Park greenery

Roppongi, Minato-ku Minato-ku Hinokicho Park greenery

Roppongi, Minato-ku Minato-ku Hinokicho Park greenery

Park Court Akasaka Hinokicho The Tower Hinokicho Park

Chofu Moritei

The garden of the Mori residence in Chofu

The garden seen through the window of the Mori residence in Chofu

Former Asa Mouri Family Hagi Yashiki Nagaya Aozora

Chofu Moritei

The mountain gate of Kosanji Temple

The mountain gate and greenery of Kosanji Temple

The mountain gate of Kosanji Temple

Approach to Kosanji Temple

The temple gate and approach to Kosanji Temple

Yamaguchi Chofu Mori House

The oldest Buddhist temple in Japan, located in the grounds of Kosanji Temple

Former Asa Mouri Family Hagi Yashiki Nagaya Aozora

Chofu Moritei

Chofu Moritei

Chofu Moritei

Former Asagari House Izakaya House Tenya Sakai City

Chofu Moritei

Chofu Mori House 2010

Chofu Moritei

Tokoji Tower Gate Hagi

Choshu Mouri Residence Garden in Shimonoseki Mayor's Office

Shimonoseki City Mayor's Choshu Mori House Garden

Choshu Mouri Residence in the Shimonoseki Mayor's Office

Shimonoseki City Mayor's Choshu Mohri Residence Garden

Shimonoseki City Mayor's Choshu Mori House Garden

Shimonoseki City Mayor's Choshu Mori Residence

Shimonoseki City Mayor's Choshu Mori Residence

Choshu Mouri Residence Garden in Shimonoseki Mayor's Office

Choshu Mouri Residence Garden in Shimonoseki Mayor's Office
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