Laziji, chicken diced and stir-fried capsicum

Various snacks 2

Mouthwater chicken / Mouthwater chicken

Mouthwater chicken / Mouthwater chicken

Mouthwater chicken / Mouthwater chicken

Mouthwater chicken / Mouthwater chicken

Peanuts on the palm of your hand


Laziji, chicken diced and stir-fried capsicum

Laziji, chicken diced and stir-fried capsicum

chopped parmesan cheese and nuts

Mixed nuts


Butter peanuts


Donut Cookie

2 shelled peanuts




Peanut butter

Jumbo Peanuts

Jumbo Peanuts

Jumbo Peanuts

Jumbo Peanuts

Jumbo Peanuts

A pile of peanuts taken in natural light

Peanuts (horizontal)

Peanuts (vertical)

A mountain of peanuts

Sowing peanut seeds (germination) 02

Sowing peanut seeds (germination) 03

Peanut Butter Peanut



1 shelled peanut

Peanuts @100


Rich peanut cheesecake

Okinawan Jimami tofu scooped with a spoon

4 peanuts with skin

Sticky Okinawan brown sugar flavored Jimami tofu

Okinawan Jimami tofu with sweet soy sauce

Peanut Chocolate & Potato Chips

Peanut Chocolate & Potato Chips

Peanuts with skins 2

Peanuts - Snacks at home

Peanuts & Japanese tea - Snacks at home

Persimmon seeds

Persimmon seeds

Setsubun peanuts_Obon festival

Setsubun peanuts_Japanese paper bag_2

Setsubun peanuts_Japanese paper bag_1

Peanuts 20

2 shelled peanuts

Izakaya menu Edamame

Peanuts with skin

Peanut Wallpaper

Setsubun peanuts

Peanuts 18

Peanuts 19

Shelled peanuts

Dried peanuts and dried shiitake mushrooms

Cake set

Persimmon seeds / food

Peanuts in a box -1

Peanuts in a colander -1

3 peanuts with skin

Peanuts 14

Peanuts 16

Peanuts 15

Jimami tofu

Peanuts 13

Peanuts 11

Peanuts 12

Peanuts 17

Buttered peas 2

Mixed beans

Addictive bean snacks


Freshly harvested peanuts being boiled

Peanuts - Snacks at home (macro photography)

Peanuts - Snacks at home (macro photography)

Peanuts (7)

Peanuts (8)

Peanuts (9)

Peanuts (11)

Peanuts (10)

Mixed nuts

Mixed nuts

Peanuts 5

Peanuts 2

Peanuts 4

Peanuts 9

Peanuts 7

Peanuts 1

Peanuts 3

Peanuts 10
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