Money illustration 1


Calendar and Money


10 thousand yen

People who are crushed by taxes

People who are crushed by taxes

People who are crushed by taxes

Tax TAX money image

TAX image

Tax image black background 02

Tax image black background 01

Image of tax cuts as TAX goes down

TAX tax my home

sale tax

Hometown tax payment, pesticide-free cultivation

sale tax

Image of stacking TAX (tax)

Tax image black background 03

Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau

My home tax image loan

Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau

Person with wallet and 100 yen coin

Dancing banknote White background

Bank image 1 in the wallet

sale tax

Lots of receipts, mostly for living expenses

Lots of receipts, mostly for living expenses

Lots of receipts, mostly for living expenses

Lots of receipts, mostly for living expenses

Image of calculating receipts for living expenses

Image of calculating receipts for living expenses

Receipts and cash


Beer sepia tone

Beer monochrome

TAX tax image


Hand holding one 10,000 yen bill


Image of consumption tax increase

Household account book and calculator

Household account book and calculator

Household account book and calculator

Household account book and calculator

Household account book and calculator

Household account book and calculator

Household account book and calculator


Household account book and bankbook

Household account book and bankbook

Household account book and bankbook

Household account book and bankbook

A woman in an apron thinking

A woman in an apron thinking

A lot of 10,000 yen bills

A woman in an apron holding her head in worry

Household account book and calendar

Image of consumption tax increase

A receipt with the same number

A receipt with the same number

A receipt with the same number

Household ledger and cash

Household ledger and cash

Household ledger and cash

Household ledger and cash

Image background of money

Consumption tax reduction


Tax increase image

Consumption tax image

Consumption tax 10%, 11,000 yen (2)


How much does tuition cost?

Reduced tax rate or point reduction Which is the consumption tax image material?


8% / 10% consumption tax (reduced tax rate and standard tax rate)

Money image (Abstruct

a lot of money

Consumption tax (3%~15%)

Cash and calculator (hometown tax payment)

High expenses


Is the consumption tax rate 8% or 10%?

Young woman worried about consumption tax hike

50,000 yen in an envelope, a calculator and a notebook

8% / 10% consumption tax (reduced tax rate and standard tax rate)

Image of tax increase and decrease Tax increase and tax reduction

Consumption tax money image

Shopping basket and calculator Consumption tax image

5% reduction

Man looking at money

Consumption tax 8% or 10% Image material Road sign

Image of tax increase (6)

Image of tax increase (5)

Image of tax increase ②

Image of tax increase ③

Image of tax increase ⑦

Image of tax increase ①
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