Hakodate night view 2

Hakodate night view 1

Hakodate - Sunrise in the Midwinter

Beautiful seascape of Hakodate in mid-winter

Hakodate - Dawn at Omorihama in winter

Snow scene from Goryokaku

Hakodate sea in the evening

Cherry blossoms at Matsumae Castle in Hokkaido

Cherry blossoms at Matsumae Castle in Hokkaido

Cherry blossoms at Goryokaku in Hokkaido

Cherry blossoms at Goryokaku in Hokkaido

Cherry blossoms at Goryokaku in Hokkaido

Cherry blossoms at Matsumae Castle in Hokkaido

Cherry blossoms at Goryokaku in Hokkaido

Cherry blossoms at Goryokaku in Hokkaido

Hakodate's beautiful sea at dusk in winter

Hakodate Station Kiha 40

Hakodate Goryokaku Park Illumination and Tower

Hakodate - Omorihama in the harsh winter

The cold sea of Hakodate in mid-winter

The sea and white waves of Hakodate in midwinter

Hakodate Christmas Tree

Hakodate - At the beach before dawn

Hakodate city dyed crimson

Keishan Observatory

Retro houses in Hakodate

Hakodate - Sunrise at Omorihama

Hakodate / Goryokaku

Scenery from Hakodate to Omorihama

Blue sea and blue sky

Blue sky and blue sea

Mount Hakodate in winter

Squid rice (close)

Squid rice

A flock of swans gather at Onuma Park in winter

Night view of Mount Hakodate

Beautiful Hakodate sea and white clouds in midwinter

White clouds in midwinter and Mt. Hakodate

Illumination of Goryokaku Park in Hakodate

Hakodate - Omorihama Beach and snow clouds

Hakodate - Omorihama before dawn

Kanzan (double cherry blossom)

Matsumae pickles 4

Matsumae pickles 1

Matsumae Pickles 5

Matsumae pickles 3

Mount Hakodate in the clouds seen from the sea

Matsumae Pickles 2

View of the Tsugaru Strait

Hakodate City - Omorihama Beach in a snowstorm

Inside an unmanned train (Kiha 40, Dounan Isaribi Railway)

Yakitori bento

Kanzan (double cherry blossom)

Kaiyang Pills

Hakodate City, Omorihama before dawn

Hakodate City, Omorihama Beach in the early morning

Sunrise at Omorihama Beach in Hakodate City

Winter scenery of the Tsugaru Straits as seen from Hakodate

Yakitori bento

Hakodate's beautifully designed colorful manholes

A colorful manhole cover designed with the Goryokaku fortress in Hakodate

The view from Mount Hakodate

Hakodate's colorful manhole with squid design

Hakodate's colorful manhole with squid design

Hakodate's colorful manhole with squid design

A colorful manhole cover designed with the Goryokaku fortress in Hakodate

View of the Tsugaru Strait

Hakodate's colorful manhole with squid design

Hakodate Station Station Sign

261 series Hakodate Station

Hakodate in winter and its historic slopes

Hakodate Station Platform 5 and 6 Transfer Information

Hakodate Station

Hakodate Station Kiha 183 Series Stop Position

Hakodate night view

Blue sea and blue sky

View of Hokkaido from Cape Oma

Scenery from Mt. Hakodate, Hokkaido

Hakodate Station

Hakodate Station

Beautiful illuminations at Hakodate Goryokaku Park

South Hokkaido Isaribi Railway and Hakodate Liner

Tsugaru Straits at sunset as seen from Hakodate

Hakodate Station in winter

Hakodate Station in winter

Hakodate Kanamori Red Brick Warehouse at night

Seikan Ferry Memorial Museum, Mashu Maru

The Mashu Maru, a ferry from Hakodate to the Aomori Prefecture

Seikan Ferry Memorial Museum, Mashu Maru

Seikan Ferry Memorial Museum, Mashu Maru

Seikan Ferry Memorial Museum, Mashu Maru

Dounan Isaribi Railway, Kiha 40, JNR color

JR Hokkaido, Kiha 40

JR Hokkaido, Kiha 40

South Hokkaido Isaribi Railway, Kiha 40

Hakodate night view

The view from Mount Hakodate

Hakodate Station Passage

Hakodate Main Line, 0 km post at Hakodate Station

Hakodate Station Passage
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