
Truffle making 3

Nggawe truffle 10

Truffle making 7

Nggawe truffle 2

Wisata asing karo pangsit 2

Wisata asing karo pangsit 4

Mitarashi dumpling

Mushroom dumplings

Truffle making 4

Wisata asing karo pangsit 3

Full Moon and Moonlight Dumpling 2

Truffle making 1

Truffle nggawe 8

Unpleasant period

Truffle making 9

Truffle making 5

Truffle making 6

Dango / Japanese sweets / food

Ohagi Tsubuan Ohigan Obon

Green tea Annuni

Bochan dumpling. 02 02

moon viewing decoration

Dango / Japanese sweets / food

Mitarashi dango 4

Mitarashi dango 6

Mitarashi dango 3

Mitarashi dango 2

Mitarashi dumplings

Mitarashi dango 5

Mitarashi dango and tea④

Dango / Japanese sweets / food

Cherry blossoms and a big zunda dango

Cherry blossoms and zunda dango

Dango from "Yusui-chaya Ikkyu" at Kashima Shrine

Mitarashi dango and tea⑤

Mitarashi dango and tea①

Mitarashi dango and tea③

Three color dumpling

Kashima Shrine's Spring Water Teahouse Ikkyu's Mitarashi Dango

Ikkyu's Mitarashi Dango at the Spring Water Teahouse at Kashima Shrine


Mitarashi dumplings

Mitarashi dumplings

Mitarashi dumplings

Minato Mirai Dumpling Soup

Mitarashi dumplings

6 dangos

Grilled skewers

Three-colored dumplings, an image of Hinamatsuri

Three-colored dango and flower decorations

Three-color dumplings

Three-color dango 7

Three-color dango 2

Three-color dango 4

Three-color dango 5

Three-color dumplings

Three-color dumplings

Three-color dango 6

Three-color dango 3

Brown sugar syrup, kinako flour, and shiratama (left margin)

Brown sugar syrup, kinako flour and shiratama (rice flour dumplings)

Hanami Dango

Beautiful pink cherry blossom dango

Cherry blossoms and three-colored dango

Cherry blossoms and three-colored dango

Cherry blossoms and three-colored dango

Gorgeous dumplings without skewers

Gorgeous dumplings without skewers

Gorgeous dumplings without skewers

Gorgeous dumplings without skewers

Gorgeous dumplings without skewers


Gorgeous dumplings without skewers

Gorgeous dumplings without skewers

Three-color dumplings

Three-color dumplings

Three-color dumplings

Gorgeous dumplings without skewers

Mitarashi dango tea

Mitarashi dumplings

Mitarashi dango tea

Sesame balls

Homemade mugwort dumplings topped with bean paste (close-up)

Homemade mugwort dumplings topped with bean paste (eat)

Mitarashi dumplings

Mugwort dumplings topped with bean paste and homemade Japanese tea

Flowers are better than rice cakes-003

Mugwort dumplings topped with bean paste, homemade

Multiple three-colored dango

Multiple three-colored dango

Multiple three-colored dango

A hand holding a tricolor dango in the middle of eating it

A hand holding a tricolor dango in the middle of eating it

Three-color dumplings

Hands holding three-colored dango

Three-colored dango in a pack

Hands holding three-colored dango

Mitarashi dango 01

Mitarashi dango 02
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