Sagimai statue and autumn leaves

A view of "Sagimai" (Tsuwano, Shimane Prefecture)

Tsuwano Heron Dance Statue

Tsuwano Heron Dance Statue

Statue of heron dance in Tsuwano

Sagimai Monument

Statue of heron dance in Tsuwano

Stele of Heron Dance

Little Egret foraging in a rice paddy in early summer

Tractor and heron preparing for rice planting

Gray heron that appeared at the spring fishing spot in anticipation of food

Lily flower

Gray heron in the park

Gray heron in the park

Gray heron in the park

Gray heron in the park

gray heron in may

Gray heron in May

Cattle egret (wild bird)

Gray heron that appeared at the spring fishing spot in anticipation of food

Gray heron that appeared at the spring fishing spot in anticipation of food

Gray heron that appeared at the spring fishing spot in anticipation of food

Gray heron that appeared at the spring fishing spot in anticipation of food

Gray heron staring at the sea at the shore

Gray heron leaving

Gray heron that appeared at the spring fishing spot in anticipation of food

Gray heron that appeared at the spring fishing spot in anticipation of food

Gray heron (wild bird) in paddy field

Spring heron wandering around the water

Gray heron standing on a small rock on the water

Spring heron wandering around the water

Gray heron wandering around the water

Purple moss

Landscape with herons and turtles

A gray heron standing in Nakajima Park Iris Pond

Gray heron standing on a small rock on the water

Gray heron face up

Gray heron face up

Gray heron standing on a small rock on the water

Grey heron at the water pond

Gray heron wandering around the water

Gray heron leg up

Gray heron wandering around the water

Gray heron wandering around the water

Gray heron in spring Yokkorasho wandering around the water

Spring heron wandering around the water

Spring heron wandering around the water

Spring heron wandering around the water

Spring heron wandering around the water

Gray heron profile

Gray heron wandering around the water

Gray heron wandering around the water

Spring heron wandering around the water

Spring heron wandering around the water

Spring heron wandering around the water

Spring heron wandering around the water

Spring heron wandering around the water

Spring heron wandering around the water

Spring heron wandering around the water

Gray heron wandering around the water

Gray heron wandering around the water

Spring heron wandering around the water

Spring heron wandering around the water

Spring heron wandering around the water

Gray heron wandering around the water

Gray heron wandering around the water

Spring heron wandering around the water

Spring heron wandering around the water

Spring heron wandering around the water

Spring heron wandering around the water

Gray heron wandering around the water

Heron and duck

Grey Heron

Heron and duck

Grey Heron

Grey Heron

Gray Heron (Wild Bird)

night heron in may

Night Heron in May

Night Heron in May

Night Heron in May

night heron in may

Night Heron in May

Night Heron in May

night heron in may

night heron in may

Night Heron in May

night heron in may

night heron in may

Night Heron in May

night heron in may

Cattle egret in the rain ②

Cattle egret in the rain ①

Cattle egret in the rain ④

Cattle egret in the rain ③

Cattle egret in the rain⑤

Cattle egret (wild bird)

Cattle egret (wild bird)

Cattle egret (wild bird)

Heron hunting for prey
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