


A stone fence with a solemn and ominous atmosphere

A stone fence with a solemn and ominous atmosphere

Background gabion

Gabion retaining wall that prevents weeds from growing even after many years

Gabion retaining wall that prevents weeds from growing even after many years

Background gabion

background gabion

background gabion

stone basket texture

Lure on the stone cage

lure on the stone cage

stone basket texture

stone basket texture

Lure on the stone cage

stone basket texture

stone basket texture

stone basket texture

Lure on the stone cage

stone basket texture

stone basket texture

Lure on the stone cage

The charm of gabions, a solid solution to foster a bond with nature

Creative strength, gabions in harmony with the environment

Material: Stone, Gabion

Lure on the stone cage

Gabion 3



Snake cage gabion

Mount Gabion

2020 Excavation Iris Garden 1

gabion wall

Nature in the middle

Higashi Park Iris Garden: A lovely variety called Gabion Wave

Gabion A simple embankment made by filling a metal cage with stones.
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