3 minced meat cutlets

Minced meat cutlet

Minced meat cutlet wrapped in paper

Minced meat cutlet

Minced meat cutlet

Ground Meat Cutlet


Ground Meat Cutlet

Minced meat cutlet rice bowl 1

Ground Meat Cutlet

Squid mince

Sauce minced cutlet bowl 2

Sauce minced cutlet bowl 1

Minced meat cutlet rice bowl 3

Minced meat cutlet rice bowl 2

Minced meat cutlet rice bowl 4

Menchi-katsu and parsley on a black square plate against a wooden table background

Squid mince

Freshly fried handmade minced meat cutlet 1

Homemade, freshly fried minced meat cutlet 3

Homemade, freshly fried minced meat cutlet 2

Homemade freshly fried minced meat cutlet set meal 2

Homemade freshly fried minced meat cutlet set meal 1

Homemade freshly fried minced meat cutlet set meal 3


Menchi-katsu on a black square plate placed on a black background

Menchi-katsu and parsley on a black square plate against a wooden table background

Menchi-katsu, shredded cabbage, lemon and parsley on a white round plate placed on a black background

Menchi-katsu, shredded cabbage, lemon and parsley on a white round plate placed on a white background

Sauce minced meat

Menchi-katsu, parsley and sauce on a white round plate against a wooden table background

Menchi-katsu, shredded cabbage, lemon and parsley on a white round plate placed on a white background

Menchi-katsu, shredded cabbage, lemon and parsley on a white round plate placed on a white background

Fried food

Croquette bowl Minced meat bowl Rice bowl

Menchi-katsu, shredded cabbage, lemon, parsley and sauce on a white round plate placed on a black background

Close-up shot of minced meat cutlet, parsley, shredded cabbage and lemon

Menchi-katsu, parsley and sauce on a white round plate against a wooden table background

Close-up shot of minced meat cutlet and shredded cabbage

Menchi-katsu and parsley on a white round plate against a wooden table background

Ground Meat Cutlet

Menchi-katsu and parsley on a black square plate placed on a black background

Ground Meat Cutlet

Freshly fried croquette

Beer and shredded cabbage, lemon, parsley and minced meat cutlet on a round plate against a black background


Menchi-katsu, parsley and sauce on a black square plate against a wooden table background

Ground Meat Cutlet

Menchi-katsu, parsley and sauce on a white round plate against a wooden table background

Fried food 20 (Menchi-katsu)

Menchi-katsu, shredded cabbage, parsley, lemon, beer and sauce on a white round plate placed on a wooden table

Menchi-katsu, parsley and sauce on a white round plate against a wooden table background

Ground Meat Cutlet

Ground Meat Cutlet

Fried food Croquette Menchi-katsu

Menchi-katsu, shredded cabbage, lemon, parsley and sauce on a white round plate placed on a white background

Ground Meat Cutlet

Menchi-katsu, shredded cabbage, lemon and parsley on a white round plate placed on a white background

Menchi-katsu, shredded cabbage, lemon and parsley on a white round plate placed on a black background

Menchi-katsu, shredded cabbage, lemon, parsley and sauce on a white round plate placed on a black background

Close-up shot of minced meat cutlet and shredded cabbage

Fried food Croquette Menchi-katsu

Homemade cut pork cutlet 1

Large Minced Meat Cutlet

Menchi-katsu, parsley and beer on a square black plate placed on a wooden table

Handmade and freshly fried mince cutlet lunch 5

Menchi-katsu cross section

Ground Meat Cutlet


Beer and shredded cabbage, lemon, parsley and minced meat cutlet on a round plate against a white background

Vegetable curry rice

Delicious children's lunch

Handmade mentikats 2

Minced meat cutlet

Minced meat cutlet

Menchi-katsu and parsley on a black square plate against a wooden table background

Mini Menchi Katsu

Pork cutlet and minced meat cutlet

Fried food Croquette Menchi-katsu

Beer and shredded cabbage, lemon, parsley, minced meat cutlet and sauce on a round plate against a white background

Fried food Croquette Menchi-katsu

Vegetable Menchi-katsu lunch box, eating scene, macro photography

Fried food Croquette Menchi-katsu

Fried food Croquette Menchi-katsu

Ground Meat Cutlet

Mini Menchi Katsu

Menchi-katsu cross section

Dutch cutlet

Nori lunch

mince cutlet cross section


Vegetable Menchi-katsu lunch box, eating scene, macro photography

Close-up shot of minced meat cutlet, shredded cabbage, lemon and parsley on a white round plate placed on a black background

Japanese food such as rice balls and miso soup, breakfast

Croquette & Menchi

Fried chicken set meal + minced cutlet

Menchi cutlet bowl Ochazuke set

Menchi-katsu, croquette and fin cutlet

R6.10.26 Homemade croquettes

Menchi-katsu, croquette and fin cutlet
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