Water surface dyed in autumn color 1

Fountains and splashes that invite a cool feeling

Spring pigeons on the rock

Ruined floating hut

wall-like oak forest

Park dyed in autumn colors 2

Evening view of a park with a pond

Evening view of a park with a pond

Fountains and splashes that invite a cool feeling

Summer sky above the forest in the park

A park with a fountain, a pond and a forest Evening view

Great maple with red leaves

Crows playing in a puddle on the roof

Fantasy scenery/twilight forest

Crow resting on a branch

Great maple with red leaves

Great maple with red leaves

Park dyed in autumn colors 7 Metasequoia deciduous carpet

The sky that shines on the surface of the pond

Great maple with red leaves

Great maple with red leaves

Great maple with red leaves

On the three-color road at the end of November

The sky reflected in a pond full of algae

Summer evening sky seen from the forest in the park

A park with a fountain and a forest Evening view of the water surface

Crows playing in a puddle on the roof

Summer clouds

A park with a fountain, a pond and a forest Evening view

The sky reflected on the surface of the pond at dusk

Great maple with red leaves

A pair of crows playing in a puddle on the roof

An oak tree that stays green even in winter

On the three-color road at the end of November

Crows playing in a puddle on the roof

Crows playing in a puddle on the roof

Crows playing in a puddle on the roof

A park with a fountain, a pond and a forest Evening view

winter pond

Great maple with red leaves

The sky reflected in a pond full of algae

A park with a fountain and a forest Evening view of the water surface

A park with a fountain, a pond and a forest Evening view

A park with a fountain and a forest Evening view of the water surface

A pair of crows playing in a puddle on the roof

full of fallen leaves

winter pond

White flowers of North Pole Chrysanthemum

Bamboo forest reflected on the water surface

Summer evening sky seen from the park

On the three-color road at the end of November

cold white chrysanthemum

On the three-color road at the end of November

On the three-color road at the end of November

Bamboo forest reflected on the water surface

Autumn leaves of Formosan

Formosan red leaves

Formosan red leaves

full of fallen leaves

Fantastic scenery Mysterious puddle that reflects the forest

Red plum

Looking for winter heron food

Pink plum

Red plum

Discovery of gray heron food in winter

Plum scented season

Park scenery in September

Red plum

Red plum

In addition to winter heron food

Formosan red leaves

Formosan red leaves

White flowers of North Pole Chrysanthemum

cold white chrysanthemum

On the three-color road at the end of November

On the three-color road at the end of November

Ezogiku in December

Bamboo forest reflected on the water surface

White flowers of North Pole Chrysanthemum

cold white chrysanthemum

cold white chrysanthemum

On the three-color road at the end of November

On the three-color road at the end of November

On the three-color road at the end of November

Plum scented season

In addition to winter heron food

Red plum

White plum

Pterocarya serrata tree with dripping ears

A park with a fountain, a pond and a forest The sky reflected on the surface of the water

On the three-color road at the end of November

Formosan red leaves

Formosan red leaves

Red plum

A park with a fountain, a pond and a forest Evening view

Spring pigeons on the rock

white flower of Kodemari

Pterocarya serrata tree with dripping ears

Pterocarya serrata tree with dripping ears

Fantastic scenery Mysterious puddle that reflects the forest
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