Home Made Donut 21

Tangan karo warung lan gula 2

Tampilan mburi karo kopi 1

Barista woman

Spaghetti peperoncino

Senior woman drinking coffee outdoors 26

Senior clerk njupuk pesenan 1

Male and female drinking beer at the cafe bar 4

Men and women drinking cocktails at the cafe bar 11

Male and female toasting with a beer at a cafe bar 3

A cock toast in a cafe in a cafe bar

Men and women drinking cocktails at the cafe bar 12

Female drinking fruit-filled drink at the cafe bar 4

Male and female drinking beer at the cafe bar 22

A female clerk and a male and female guest who make drinks with fruit at the cafe bar 2

Men and women drinking cocktails at the cafe bar 19

A man toasting with a beer at a cafe bar 10

Male and female toasting with a cocktail at the cafe bar 3

Men and women drinking cocktails at the cafe bar 2

Men and women drinking fruit-filled drinks at the cafe bar 20

Men and women drinking cocktails at the cafe bar 20

Men and women drinking cocktails at the cafe bar 21

Female 2 who drinks cocktails at the cafe bar

Men and women drinking cocktails at the cafe bar 14

Men and women drinking cocktails at the cafe bar 34

Stylish cafes and women 43

Women relaxing in a cafe 29

Senior women with coffee hand 5

Pelayan wanita asing 58


Pelayan wanita asing 33

Rapat kerja kantor ing teras kafe 4

iced coffee

Tangan karo kopi sing nutupi selimut 4

Kaos wanita kerani 15

French toast bucket ver

Cafe wanita petugas 11

Barista woman

Table and chairs

Tangan lan warung nggunakake smartphone 2

Tangan karo warung lan pad memo 5

Kafe wanita 63

Kaos wanita kerani 66

Stylish cafe and woman 13

Kafe wanita petugas 44

Kopi lan smartphone 7

Senior woman drinking coffee at the table 4

Wong wadon nganggo kamera ing cafe 8

Stylish cafes and women 5

Stylish cafes and women 3

Home Made Donut 41

Stylish cafes and women 28

Stylish cafes and women 53

Stylish cafes and women 49

Stylish cafes and women 8

Stylish cafe and women 57

Pelayan wanita asing 48

Pelayan wanita asing 11

Coffee shop

Counter service

Stylish cafes and women 51

Mbah kakung sing ngonfirmasi urutane

Kitchen counter

Sakura Mont Blanc. 04

Tangan karo warung ing kemul 16

Pirang karo abang jabang wanita tuwa tengah umur 17

Stylish cafe and woman 22

Kafe wanita petugas 29

Rapat kerja kantor ing teras kafe 28

Wong wadon nggunakake komputer laptop ing cafe 6

Waiter 7

Green and pink straw 6

Wong wadon sing njupuk pose nalika ngombe minuman 7

Rapat kerja kantor ing teras kafe 23

Women relaxing in a cafe 11

Women relaxing in a cafe 24

Women relaxing in a cafe 36

Women relaxing in a cafe 30

Colorful straw 32
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