Wong manca sing bingung karo sing milih apel biru lan coklat 2

Wong manca kanthi apel ijo lan coklat

Wong manca sing bingung karo sing milih apel biru lan coklat 5

Wong manca sing bakal bingung karo sing milih apel biru lan coklat 3

Wong manca sing nyebrangi apel lan coklat 2

Wong manca sing milih coklat saka apel ijo 1

Wong manca sing milih coklat saka apel ijo 2

Wong manca sing pengin mangan apel utawa coklat ijo 4

Wong manca sing milih coklat saka apel ijo 3

Wong manca sing bakal bingung karo sing milih apel biru lan coklat 1

Wong manca ndeleng apel lan cokelat ijo 4

Wong lanang manca sing nglintasi apple ijo lan coklat 3

Wong manca ndeleng apple apel lan coklat 5

Wong manca dolanan karo apel ijo lan coklat

Wong manca ndeleng apple apel lan coklat 6

Wong manca ndeleng apel lan coklat ijo 3

Wong manca nyebrangi apel lan cokelat ijo

Blue Impulse

Blue Impulse

Blue Impulse

Acrobatic flight on the canvas of blue sky

Electric shock and businessman

Blue Impulse

A heart drawn in the sky

Blue Impulse

Blue Impulse

Blue Impulse

Blue Impulse

Blue Impulse

Blue Impulse and Vapor Trail

Blue Impulse

Blue Impulse

Blue Impulse_2 that draws a circle with smoke

Blue Impulse_1 that draws a circle with smoke


Lycaste chita impulse flower

Blue Impulse

Blue Impulse at Air Show_1

Blue Impulse

Air Self-Defense Force Blue Impulse

Air Self-Defense Force Blue Impulse

Air Self-Defense Force Blue Impulse

Air Self-Defense Force Blue Impulse

Air Self-Defense Force Blue Impulse

Air Self-Defense Force Blue Impulse

Air Self-Defense Force Blue Impulse

Air Self-Defense Force Blue Impulse

Air Self-Defense Force Blue Impulse

Air Self-Defense Force Blue Impulse

Air Self-Defense Force Blue Impulse

Blue Impulse_2 at the air show

Blue Impulse at Air Show_3


Blue Impulse_1 aligned on the ground

Blue Impulse Fourship Invert ②

Behind Blue Impulse

Blue Impulse Acrobat Flight

A blue impulse that draws a circle

Blue Impulse Fourship Invert

blue impulse and smoke

1 Blue Impulse

Blue Impulse formation flight (over the Setagaya Ward) to show respect and appreciation to medical personnel who are dealing with the new coronavirus infection

Blue Impulse_2 aligned on the ground

Blue Impulse

Blue Impulse

Blue Impulse

Blue Impulse

Blue Impulse

Blue Impulse

Blue Impulse

Air Self-Defense Force Blue Impulse formation flight

Air Self-Defense Force Blue Impulse formation flight

Beautiful wake of Blue Impulse

blue impulse aerobatics

Beautiful wake of Blue Impulse

Beautiful wake of Blue Impulse

Beautiful wake of Blue Impulse

Beautiful wake of Blue Impulse

Beautiful wake of Blue Impulse

Beautiful wake of Blue Impulse

Beautiful wake of Blue Impulse

Beautiful wake of Blue Impulse

Beautiful wake of blue impulse

Beautiful beautiful wake of Blue Impul

Beautiful wake of blue impulse

blue impulse aerobatics

Air Self-Defense Force Blue Impulse formation flight

Air Self-Defense Force Blue Impulse formation flight

Air Self-Defense Force Blue Impulse formation flight

Beautiful wake of blue impulse

Air Self-Defense Force Blue Impulse formation flight

Air Self-Defense Force Blue Impulse formation flight

Air Festival Blue Impulse

blue impulse aerobatics


Blue Impulse



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