group of stonefinches

A greenfinch pecking at nuts

A greenfinch pecking at fruit under the blue sky

A greenfinch pecking at food under the blue sky

A green siskin standing under the blue sky

A greenfinch shining against the blue sky

A green siskin standing under the blue sky

A greenfinch pecking at food under the blue sky

A greenfinch holding nesting material on the tip of a branch

A greenfinch resting on the branch of an Oshima cherry tree

A greenfinch resting on the branch of an Oshima cherry tree

A greenfinch resting on the branch of an Oshima cherry tree

A greenfinch eating food under the blue sky

A greenfinch perched on a branch under a blue sky

A greenfinch resting on a branch in winter

A greenfinch pecking at food under the blue sky

Blue sky and the back of a greenfinch

A greenfinch resting on the branch of an Oshima cherry tree

A greenfinch pecking at fruit

A greenfinch perched on a tree in winter

A green siskin standing against the blue sky

A greenfinch pecking at fruit under the blue sky

A Japanese Eurasian tree sparrow standing on the bare trees of winter

A greenfinch resting on the branch of an Oshima cherry tree

A greenfinch resting on the branch of an Oshima cherry tree

Blue sky and Eurasian greenfinch

A green siskin under the blue sky

Eurasian green siskins gather at a watering hole

A greenfinch resting on a tree branch

A greenfinch resting on a tree branch

A greenfinch clinging to a power line

Old tree and Eurasian greenfinch

Eurasian Greenfinch

A greenfinch tilts its head

A greenfinch holding a branch

Wild Eurasian Greenfinch

A greenfinch holding a flower

Round-bellied Eurasian Greenfinch

Winter grove and Eurasian greenfinch

Eurasian Greenfinch

A photo of a greenfinch taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

Eurasian Greenfinch 01

Eurasian Greenfinch

Eurasian Greenfinch

Eurasian Greenfinch

Eurasian Greenfinch

Eurasian Greenfinch

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A greenfinch clinging to a branch

Eurasian Greenfinch⑹

Eurasian Greenfinch⑺

Eurasian Greenfinch (8)

Eurasian Greenfinch⑽

Eurasian Greenfinch⑼

Eurasian Greenfinch⑾

A greenfinch clinging to the tip of a branch

A greenfinch clinging to the tip of a branch

A greenfinch clinging to a branch

A photo of a Eurasian siskin taken at a nearby stream

A photo of a greenfinch taken at a nearby stream

A greenfinch standing on the riverbank

A greenfinch perched on the tip of a branch

A greenfinch posing on the tip of a branch

A greenfinch with its beak wide open

A greenfinch grooming itself

A greenfinch clinging to the tip of a branch

A greenfinch clinging to a branch

A photo of a greenfinch taken at Omuro Park in Maebashi City

Eurasian Greenfinch

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a Eurasian siskin taken at a nearby stream

A greenfinch clinging to a thin branch

A greenfinch clinging to the tip of a branch

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a greenfinch taken at a nearby stream

A flock of Eurasian siskins photographed at a nearby stream

A photo of a greenfinch taken at a nearby stream

A photo of a greenfinch taken at a nearby stream

A photo of a greenfinch taken at a nearby stream

A photo of a Eurasian siskin taken at a nearby stream

Eurasian Greenfinch

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest

A photo of a green siskin taken at Oneyama Wild Bird Forest
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