A woman holding a hat and laughing at the camera

Pregnant woman hungry

Putih dina 47

A woman looking at the camera laughing with a hat

Bocah-bocah wadon masang tangan ing akuarium 1

A woman looking at the camera with a hat

Gadis ngemot tangan ing akuarium 2

A smiling woman with a hat

A woman looking into the distance with a hat

Mountain stream

Tsuiki Air Base Air Show: Surface-to-air guided missile for air defense at the base

Tsuiki Air Base Air Show Surface-to-Air Guided Missile Control Device

Tsuiki Air Base Air Show Surface-to-Air Guided Missile Control Device

Chemical fire engine of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force on display

PAC3 Radar at Tsuiki Air Base Air Show

PAC3 Radar at Tsuiki Air Base Air Show

PAC3 antenna at Tsuiki Air Base Air Show

US-2 Flying Boat at the Tsukushi Base Aviation Festival

Tsuiki Air Base Air Show T-4 Black Dolphin

Tsuiki Air Base Air Show T-4 Red Dolphin

PAC3 launch vehicle at Tsuiki Air Base Air Show

PAC3 launch vehicle at Tsuiki Air Base Air Show

The power supply vehicle for the aviation festival at the city base

Tsuiki Air Base Air Show Transport aircraft and towing vehicle

F-15j display at Tsukiji Air Festival

F-15j display at Tsukiji Air Festival

Air Self-Defense Force training aircraft T-4 in flight

Air Self-Defense Force training aircraft T-4 in flight

Air Self-Defense Force training aircraft T-4 taking off

Air Self-Defense Force training aircraft T-4 in flight

Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ taking off

Landing Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ

Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ in flight

Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ taking off

Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ in flight

Landing Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ

Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ taking off

Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ taking off

Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ taking off

Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ taking off

Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ in flight

Blue Impulse performing acrobatic flying

Blue Impulse performing acrobatic flying

Self-Defense Force fighter F-104J on display after being decommissioned

The Japan Air Self-Defense Force's F-4EJ fighter jet in flight

The Japan Air Self-Defense Force's F-4EJ fighter jet in flight

The Japan Air Self-Defense Force's F-4EJ fighter jet in flight

Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ during a flight demonstration

Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ during a flight demonstration

Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ during a flight demonstration

Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ during a flight demonstration

Landing Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ

Landing Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ

Landing Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ

Landing Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ commemorative painted aircraft

Landing Air Self-Defense Force fighter F-4EJ Kai

Landing Air Self-Defense Force fighter F-4EJ Kai

Air Self-Defense Force fighter jet F-4EJ Kai in flight

Landing Air Self-Defense Force fighter F-4EJ Kai

Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ taking off

Mount Tsukuba and T-4 Blue

Japan Air Self-Defense Force transport aircraft C-130H preparing for takeoff

Japan Air Self-Defense Force transport aircraft C-130H preparing for takeoff

The nose of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force's F-4EJ Kai in flight

The Japan Air Self-Defense Force's F-4EJ fighter jet in flight

Ground Self-Defense Force Type 93 Close-range SAM during training demonstration

Japan Ground Self-Defense Force's Type 81 short-range surface-to-air guided missile

Parked Air Self-Defense Force dump truck

The Air Self-Defense Force's flight inspection aircraft U-125 on display

Landing Air Self-Defense Force fighter F-4EJ Kai

Japan Air Self-Defense Force Fighter F-4EJ Kai

Landing Air Self-Defense Force fighter F-4EJ Kai

Japan Air Self-Defense Force fighter jet F-4EJ Kai taking off

Japan Air Self-Defense Force fighter jet F-4EJ Kai taking off

Landing Air Self-Defense Force fighter F-4EJ Kai

Japan Air Self-Defense Force fighter jet F-4EJ Kai taking off

Japan Air Self-Defense Force fighter F-4EJ modified commemorative paint job

Japan Air Self-Defense Force fighter jet F-4EJ Kai taking off

Japan Air Self-Defense Force fighter jet F-4EJ Kai taking off

Air Self-Defense Force rescue helicopter UH-60J in flight

Blue Impulse Cockpit

The Japan Air Self-Defense Force's F-4EJ fighter jet in flight

The Japan Air Self-Defense Force's F-4EJ fighter jet in flight

Landing Air Self-Defense Force trainer T-4

Landing Air Self-Defense Force trainer T-4

Air Self-Defense Force's rescue and search aircraft U-125A

Air Self-Defense Force's rescue and search aircraft U-125A

Landing Air Self-Defense Force trainer T-4

The Japan Air Self-Defense Force's multipurpose support aircraft U-4 on display

The Air Self-Defense Force's transport aircraft C-1FTB on display

Landing Air Self-Defense Force fighter F-4EJ Kai

Landing Air Self-Defense Force fighter F-4EJ Kai

Japan Air Self-Defense Force helicopter CH-47J(LR)

Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ during a flight demonstration

Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ during a flight demonstration

Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ during a flight demonstration

Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ during a flight demonstration

Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ during a flight demonstration

The nose of the landing Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ

The nose of the landing Air Self-Defense Force F-15DJ
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