3 additive-free pickled plums placed directly

Plum rice cooker sashimi

Dried plum and its leaves

Making dried plums

Additive-free umeboshi on a plate

Umeboshi (dried for soil)

Additive-free umeboshi served on a long plate

Rice, dried plum, persimmon leaf

Rice, dried plum, persimmon leaf

Pickled plums

Salted plum

Wasabi chazuke and umeboshi in Takuan

Summer rice bowl japanese food japanese food

Umeboshi rice

Umeboshi (Japanese food)

Drying pickled plums in the sun under the blue sky

Drying pickled plums in the sun under the blue sky

Pickled plums


Umeboshi making Soil dried

Rice, dried plum, persimmon leaf

Plum soil drying: dried colander

Umeboshi (1)

pickled plum

Making umeboshi Preparation for removing lye

Making dried plums

Red pickled plums, seeds removed, low salt

Lots of plums in a bowl

Rice ball rice ball

Salted plum

Umeboshi making Immediately after adding red shiso

Additive-free pickled plum + small plate + chopsticks

Additive-free umeboshi on a plate

Umeboshi (Japanese food)

Umeboshi (soiled for earth)

Plum work preparation

Umeboshi image

Additive-free umeboshi on a plate

Dried plum soil

Red pickled plums, seeds removed, low salt

Pickled plum, small plum

Pickled plum

Beadlet anemone

Pickled plums

Umeboshi making Soil dried

Homemade pickled plums 7

Umeboshi 2 (dried for soil)

Takanan and Umeboshi

Salted plum

Takanan and Umeboshi

Umeboshi small bowl bird's-eye view Kirinuki

Umeboshi (Part 1) Search word / Pickles Creator name / YUTO @ PHOTOGRAPHER

Takanan and Umeboshi

Making umeboshi dyed in red perilla

Wasabi chazuke and pickles and kyusu

Umeboshi and plum blossoms

Rice topped with a large pickled plum

Salted plum

Salted plum

Plum soil drying

Salted plum

Plum soil drying

Red pickled plums, pitted, low salt

Red pickled plums, seeds removed, low salt

Salted plum

Red pickled plums, pitted, low salt

Wasabi chazuke and pickles

Pickled plum, small plum

Pickled plum, small plum

Handmade red pickled plums in a brown jar

Homemade pickled plums 8

Umeboshi rice


Japanese food culture Umeboshi

dried plums

Umeboshi for soil

Umeboshi rice

Umeboshi rice

Salty pickled plums

Salted plum

Salted plum

Umeboshi rice

Umeboshi making

Salted plum

Umeboshi, sun-dried

Yellow ripe plum material

Dried for soil

Pickled plum rice

Pickled plum rice

Side dishes are dried plums

Comes with rice

Umeboshi making Soil dried

Making pickled plums Plum vinegar is coming up

Plum berry

Making umeboshi without lye

Umeboshi making Sun drying

Rice ball rice ball

Salted plum

Umeboshi chazuke

rice and umeboshi
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