Wanita tuwa njupuk cathetan 1

50 stylish cafes and women

Male smoking a cigarette with a cafe bar 1

Men and women drinking fruit-filled drinks at the cafe bar 25

Wanita karir nggunakake tablet ing cafe mbukak 9

Counter service

3 wong kanggo ngrembug

Saperangan sing nggawe teh ing cafe

Wanita tuwa ngrungokake

Men who use smartphones at the cafe bar 10

Male and female drinking beer at the cafe bar 14

Male and female drinking caffe latte at the cafe bar 39

Cafe wanita petugas 54

Male and female drinking beer at the cafe bar 7

Male and female drinking caffe latte at the cafe bar 42

Wong wadon sing njupuk pose nalika ngombe minuman 6

Kafe wanita petugas 90

Kafe wanita petugas 80

Barista men and women

Wanita sing lagi ngombe nalika ngombe minuman keras 13

Wanita ngrungokake musik ing cafe 3

Table and 4 chairs

Wanita ngrungokake musik ing cafe 4

Men and women drinking caffe latte at the cafe bar 121

Male and female drinking caffe latte at the cafe bar 32

Men and women staff drinking caffe latte at the cafe bar 1


Women relaxing in a cafe 16

Wanita karir sing nelpon nganggo smartphone ing cafe mbukak 1

Kafe wanita petugas 86

Tim bisnis 8

A woman smoking a cigarette with a cafe bar 5

Male who ordered coffee latte at cafe bar 5

Male who smokes a cigarette with a cafe bar 2

Male smoking a cigarette with a cafe bar 3

Wanita ngrungokake musik ing cafe 1

Wong tuwa sing nggawe teh

Hands hand-handling latte

Kopi lan smartphone 6

Cafeter bar shop clerk who pours milk into cup 6

Wong nyenengake nyenengake

Male using a smartphone at a cafe bar 1

Waiter 12

Male and female drinking caffe latte at the cafe bar 35

Male and female drinking caffe latte at the cafe bar 112

Women who drink coffee latte at the cafe bar 5

Mbah sing nggawa tuwung kopi

Tangan lan warung nggunakake komputer pribadi 2

Male who uses smartphone at cafe bar 2

Warung kopi warung 3

Male and female drinking caffe latte at the cafe bar 120

Men and women drinking caffe latte at the cafe bar 109

Cafe bar woman clerk making cocktail 1

Tangan karo warung 14

Female drinking caffe latte at the cafe bar 22

Wanita karir nggunakake tablet ing cafe mbukak 7

Clerk of a clerk who puts espresso on hand 1

Male and female drinking beer at the cafe bar 1

Woman clerk and female customer of cafe bar making cocktail 3


Wanita karir nggunakake tablet ing cafe mbukak 1

Male and female drinking caffe latte at the cafe bar 19

Kedai kopi wanita 7

Male and female drinking caffe latte at the cafe bar 123

Male and female drinking caffe latte at the cafe bar 8

Male serving caffe latte at the cafe bar 7

Male and female drinking caffe latte at the cafe bar 40

Male drinking caffe latte at the cafe bar

Male and female drinking caffe latte at the cafe bar 79

Kafe wanita klub 18

Fashionable cafes and women 11

Male clerk at cafe bar using espresso machine 1

Kafe wanita 83

A woman smoking a cigarette with a cafe bar 2

Men and women drinking fruit-filled drinks at the cafe bar 15

Wanita 2 nggunakake komputer laptop ing cafe

Male and female drinking caffe latte at the cafe bar 82

Tangan lan warung nggunakake smartphone 1

Male and female drinking cocktails at the cafe bar 4

Kafe wanita petugas 68

Clerk of clerk who puts espresso 2

Kafe wanita klub 92

Tim bisnis 10

Male drinking coffee latte at the cafe bar 15

Cafe bar woman clerk making cocktail 11

Male and female toast to a cafe bar with beer 5

A woman drinking coffee latte at a cafe bar 13

Coffee mill

Wong wadon cafe 3

Counter service

A man who uses a smartphone at a cafe bar Male 13

Kafe wanita petugas 20
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