Natural interior bedroom

Futon seam

Akimoto Shrine Takachiho Miyazaki


Hinomaru flag and shimenawa decoration

Shrine Torii (Night)Isasumi Shrine


Shrine rope (taken from below)

Beautiful carvings at the worship hall of Arasu Shrine

Hinomaru flag and shimenawa decoration

Shrine Torii (Night)Isasumi Shrine

Piranti disapu lan mesin sewal

Hotel service woman carrying a linen wagon

Hotel service A woman carrying a linen wagon

Hotel service woman carrying a linen wagon

Hotel service woman carrying a linen wagon

Hotel service woman changing towels

Ginger and ginger powder
![Texture [linen], JPG Texture [linen], JPG](https://thumb.photo-ac.com/69/696234d83ac0c6f7a1042e7f2815306e_t.jpeg)
Texture [linen]

Hotel service woman carrying a linen wagon

Hotel service woman carrying a linen wagon

Hotel service woman carrying a linen wagon

Hotel service woman carrying a linen wagon

Hotel service woman carrying a linen wagon

White towel

Peppercorn studded with rock salt

Hotel service woman carrying a linen wagon

Hotel service woman carrying a linen wagon

Hotel service woman carrying a linen wagon

Hotel service woman carrying a linen wagon

Hotel service woman carrying a linen wagon

Hotel service woman carrying a linen wagon

Hotel service woman carrying a linen wagon

Linen cloth

Hotel Service Women Carrying Linen Wagons Women Carrying Towels

Hotel service woman carrying towel

Hotel service woman carrying a linen wagon

Hotel service A woman carrying a linen wagon

Hotel service woman carrying a linen wagon

Hotel service woman carrying towel

Hotel service woman carrying a linen wagon

Hotel service woman changing towels

Rough fiber texture

Hemp lan gunting 3

Sarung bantal alam 7

Hemp 3

Linen 14

White canvas (texture)

Sarung bantal lan kain

Kathah bantal 2

Cushion with cover attached 1

Pola titik alam lan kemul alam 1

Mint teh

Azabu fiber texture material

Hemp 7

Hemp 12

Hotel service woman carrying a linen wagon

Sarung bantal alami 12

Alam bantalan polka titik lan kemul 3

Hotel service woman carrying a linen wagon

Alam bantal 2

Bantal polka dot alam lan selimut 4

Teh tèh

Kathah bantal 3

Linen 18

Various spices

Tumbuka alam 13

Kain salib bentuk alami 1

Hands of those who have sheets and bath towels

Overlapped towels

Tangki putih teh herbal

Sekawan godhong diikat karo pita

Utas liyane 3

Kompleks alam 3

Coklat bantal lan kemul 1

Cushion with cover attached 2

Hands of the person pulling the sheets (light)

Hands of the person pulling the sheets (natural light)

Sarung bantal alam 6

Kain bantalan polka alam 1

Various spices

Utas liyane 3

Various spices

Lavender and oil

Morning custom

Alam bantalan polka dot 5

Wallpaper (background material) White 1

Alam bantalan polka dot 2

Titik polka alam bantal ing kursi 2

Kathah bantal 4

Sarung bantal alam 10

Hemp 2

Bantal polka dot alam lan selimut 6

Sarung bantal alam 5

Hemp 1

Utas Linen 9

Hemp 6

Alam bantalan polka dot 7
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