Female chef holding a plate of cooking and signing OK White background

Business check OK

Men with Maru's tag at the beach 1

A man who gives a Marubatsu sign 1

OL2 giving an OK sign

Woman doing OK pose

Female with correct answer plate

Young woman making an OK gesture in the living room

Female giving a Marubatsu sign 2
OL3 giving an OK sign

A care manager showing a "yes" or "no" card outdoors

A man who gives a Marubatsu sign 4

A man with a Maru tag

A man with a Marubatsu tag

Cheongsam woman 2 making a circle with both hands

A woman in work clothes wearing a dust mask with a Marubatsu tag outdoors

Soba shop 1 with Maru and X

OK? NG? OK NG Which?

Elderly woman hiking with circle tag

Elderly woman hiking with marubatu tag

Mask female with quiz plate

A female caregiver showing a "yes" or "no" card outdoors

A woman wearing a red knit accessory that raises a Marubatsu tag against the back of autumn leaves 2

A male clerk at a cafe with a Maru tag

Businessman good

Malaysian man signing OK 2

A woman doing an OK pose with her right hand

A woman in a santa hat giving an OK sign

A woman holding a smartphone and giving an OK sign

Cheongsam woman 4 doing OK sign

Male chef with OK sign White background 1

A woman who has a whole prelet and measures the temperature

A man looking at the camera doing an ok pose

A man who gives a Marubatsu sign 3

A female caregiver showing a circle card outdoors

A woman wearing a red knit accessory that raises a round bill against the back of autumn leaves 2

A woman wearing a red knit accessory that raises a Marubatsu tag against the back of autumn leaves 1

A woman in work clothes wearing a dust mask holding a Maru tag outdoors

Mask female with quiz plate

Smile woman doing ok pose

Woman ok pose in santa hat

Malaysian man signing OK 1

Female chef with tray white background 3

career woman

Female giving a Marubatsu sign 3

A care manager showing a circle card outdoors

A woman wearing a red knit accessory that raises a round bill against the back of autumn leaves 1

OL11 giving an OK sign

A male clerk at a cafe with a Marubatsu tag

Hiking woman with marubatu tag

Elderly woman hiking with marubatu tag

Female chef holding a plate of cooking and signing OK brown background

A woman giving an OK sign on a yellow background

A woman giving an OK sign on a red background

A woman giving an OK sign on a green background

Medical equipment with various buttons

A woman with a stick and a thumbs up

Female giving a Marubatsu sign 5

Woman doing thumbs up while fishing

A boy holding a circle tag with a blue sky background

A boy holding a bill of Marubatsu with a blue sky background

A woman showing a circle tag on a blue background

A woman showing a bill of Marubatsu on a blue background

Elderly woman hiking with circle tag

A woman looking at the camera while holding up an umbrella with a gradation pattern that resembles the aurora borealis

A woman holding a gradation umbrella like the aurora and holding up a circle tag

A woman doing an OK pose with her left hand

A woman looking at the camera while holding up an umbrella with a gradation pattern that looks like the aurora and holding up a Marubatsu tag.

A woman holding a gradation umbrella like the aurora and holding up a Marubatsu tag

Business woman OK sign

Business woman

Office worker 13

A young woman in an apron making a convincing gesture

Business woman

Business woman

Dazzling sun and blue sky 11

Okayinami shadow 3

Business woman

Peace with a smile

OK tandha wanita 7

Sumaho lan wadon 4

OK hand sign (bright background image version)

OK, hand sign (bright version)

Finger sign OK (bright version)

OK, it's good image 2 (brighter version)

OK, good image (brighter version)

OK speech bubble (bright version)

Business woman

Pengusaha asing 183

Female worker with OK mark

Men's and Women's Like Hands_Green Blurred Background

Japanese woman doing OK pose

Young woman in an apron making an OK gesture

Wanita miturut wujud 15
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