Woman 2 relaxing at a table in a camper

Family 21 relaxing in a camper

Family 15 having a barbecue next to the camper

A couple cooking in a camper 9

A couple taking a selfie in a camper 2

A couple relaxing next to the camper 1

camper and family 4

Wong tuwa karo kuntul kuning ing sendhang 9

A boy whose head is wiped after playing in the river

Dad eating barbecue meat

Boy eating barbecue meat

Tableware 1 arranged at the table

Campfire 2

Dad eating barbecue meat

Wong wadon nggoleki ing dhadha 1

Parents and children playing in the river

Man fishing in the river

Parent and child splitting watermelon

Wong tuwa njaga kémah kuning ing sendhang 1

Man cooking outdoors

Arang arang

A couple relaxing by playing the guitar next to the camper 4

A couple relaxing at a table in a camper 8

camper and family 32

A couple cooking in a camper 15

camper and family 24

A couple putting out the side awning of the camper 1

Family 11 relaxing next to the camper

A couple cooking in a camper 6

Family 14 relaxing next to the camper

Parents and children doing fireworks at the camp

Camp 3

Pria lan wanita main badminton

Campfire 9

Boy bonfire in the camp

Campfire 21

Parents and children playing in the river

Men and women barbecuing

Campfire 13

Camping scenery

Hands of a person who cuts red peppers

At the hands of a person who turns over with tongs

Wong asing karo kuntul kuning ing sisih tlaga 5

A man looking into the distance while taking a break

Family 40 relaxing next to the camper

camper and family 33

A couple relaxing by playing the guitar next to the camper 18

At the hands of the person who cuts the paprika

Wong tuwa njembrang kémah kuning ing sendhang 6

Family barbecuing

Family barbecuing

Boy eating fried noodles at camp

Woman bonfire in the camp

Family barbecuing

Parents and children fishing in the river

Tableware 3 arranged at the table

Kali-sisih kemah 3

Family barbecuing


Kulawarga 2 muter karo bandhulan

Pria asing karo kemah ing sendhang 13

Camping Night 12

A couple relaxing next to the camper 4

camper and family 2

A couple relaxing by playing the guitar next to the camper 1

A woman relaxing by playing a guitar beside a camper 5

Family relaxing next to the camper 9

Family 11 relaxing at the table in the camper

A woman relaxing by playing a guitar beside a camper 3

A couple cooking in a camper 1

Family relaxing next to the camper 23

Mountain girl 3 who eats rice at the camp

Wong lanang asing karo kura kuning 7

Mountain girl 7 to grow

Back view of a man looking at the river

Wong lanang manca kanthi tenda ing tlaga 4

Wong lanang manca karo kura kuning ing sendhang 8

Nyiapake tenda 2
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