Gua Ryugu saka Izu 2

The fantastic winter maples of Lake Ippeki

The fantastic winter maples of Lake Ippeki

The fantastic winter maples of Lake Ippeki

The fantastic winter maples of Lake Ippeki

The beautiful winter sea of Osezaki, Izu

The fantastic winter scenery of Lake Ippeki

The fantastic winter scenery of Lake Ippeki in Enoki

Illumination glow

The beautiful winter sea of Osezaki, Izu

Giant juniper trees growing in clusters at Osezaki, Izu

Giant juniper trees growing in clusters at Osezaki, Izu

Giant juniper trees growing in clusters at Osezaki and the winter sky

The beautiful winter sea of Osezaki, Izu

Sparkling sunlight filtering through the trees and a giant juniper tree

Sparkling sunlight filtering through the trees and a giant juniper tree

A fantastic winter scene of silver grass and Lake Ippeki

The fantastic winter maples of Lake Ippeki

The fantastic winter maples of Lake Ippeki

The fantastic winter maples of Lake Ippeki

The fantastic winter maples of Lake Ippeki

The fantastic winter maples of Lake Ippeki

Stone wall art at Osezaki Coast

Pittosporum leaves growing wild at Osezaki in winter

Aloe flowers blooming at Ozezaki in Izu

Izu Peninsula and sunset

Stone wall art at Osezaki Coast

Winter pine trees covered with straw and glittering sunlight

Aloe flowers blooming at Osezaki in Izu

Fisherman's Pickled Rice Bowl at Ito Marine Town

Fisherman's Pickled Rice Bowl at Ito Marine Town

Stone wall art on Izu Osezaki Coast and the mountains on the opposite shore

Kumano Shrine, Izunokuni City, Shizuoka Prefecture

The sea of Osezaki, Izu, sparkling in the sunlight

The shoreline of Osezaki Coast in winter

Dinner at a luxurious inn

The shoreline of Osezaki Coast in winter

The shoreline of Osezaki Coast in winter

The shoreline of Osezaki Coast in winter

The shoreline of Osezaki Coast in winter

The sea at Osezaki sparkles in the sunlight in winter

Dragon Palace Cave,

Atami seascape

Atami seascape

Hatsushima Island seen from the ferry

Hatsushima Walking Trail

Hatsushima Beach

Hatsushima Walking Trail

Hatsushima Beach

Hatsushima Walking Trail

Hatsushima Beach

Hatsushima Beach

Hatsushima Walking Trail

Hatsushima Beach

New Year's visit to Shirahama Shrine

The sea lit by the morning sun

The sea lit by the morning sun

The sea lit by the morning sun

The sea lit by the morning sun

The sea lit by the morning sun

The sea lit by the morning sun

The sea lit by the morning sun

Red ripe strawberries at a strawberry picking event

Red ripe strawberries at a strawberry picking event

Kawazu Cherry Blossom Tree Line

Kawazu cherry blossoms and the sea of Izu

Silent Bamboo Forest

Wasabi fields (Joren Falls, Izu)

The fantastic winter maples of Lake Ippeki

The fantastic winter maples of Lake Ippeki

The fantastic winter maples of Lake Ippeki

The fantastic winter maples of Lake Ippeki

The fantastic winter maples of Lake Ippeki

The fantastic winter maples of Lake Ippeki

The fantastic winter maples of Lake Ippeki

The fantastic winter maples of Lake Ippeki

It's just a casual landscape painting...


Mount Fuji


Shrine near my house

The sea of Izu

Kawazu Sakura

Nagahama Castle Ruins, a Nationally Designated Historic Site

Nishiizu Skyline


Atami Port seen from the ferry

Atami Port seen from the ferry

Joren Falls (distant view)

E261 series (Saphir Odoriko)

In front of the Izu wishing achievement temple

Shuzenji maple bridge

Blue cave of Izu Tenmado cave

Simmered red snapper

Morning Sea

Juniper Shirahama Shrine

Juniper Shirahama Shrine Sacred Tree

Juniper Shirahama Shrine Sacred Tree

Juniper Shirahama Shrine Sacred Tree

Juniper Shirahama Shrine Sacred Tree
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