Woman holding a vase red flower in the kitchen

Gift of carnation bouquet from brother and sister to mother

A woman looking at the camera with a bouquet of carnations

Girl with a carnation bouquet

woman giving flowers to mother

A boy giving a bouquet of carnations on Mother's Day

Bust up of a girl who smells carnation

Female with carnation

A girl looking at the camera with a carnation (bookshelf)

Aroma relaxation

Daughter giving carnation to mother

Daughter giving carnation to her mother

Woman with one red flower (vertical)

Mother for mother's day

A couple talking face to face

Parents and children watching cards on sofa

Flower frame (light color) Botanical frame background Wallpaper material

One piece of Mother's Day

Salesman and woman with red flowers

Woman holding flowers and looking at camera

Mother and daughter looking at the camera with carnations

Botanical frame

Woman with red flowers (white background, upper body)

Woman holding a carnation vase in the kitchen


Senior woman receiving carnations from her daughter

A woman looking far away with a carnation

Up of women with carnations

A boy giving a carnation to his mother

A boy who gives a carnation to his mother while being shy

Spring frame white backboard

Daughter with carnation and mother out of focus

Mother with carnation and daughter behind

A daughter who crosses her shoulders after giving her mother a carnation

Woman with red flowers in the kitchen

Woman with a carnation vase

Three generations having a conversation on Mother's Day

Group photo in three generations

Foreign parents and children on Mother's Day

Senior woman receiving carnations from her daughter

A woman raising her hand while talking face to face

A man holding a flower and looking at the camera

Handing over flowers

Hands holding carnations on the chest

Spring flower time

Botanical frame

Heartfelt pink carnations

Girl with carnation (margin)

A man with carnations and an out-of-focus mother (tilting his head)

A girl staring at a carnation

A woman looking away with a carnation

A sideways woman staring at a flower

Girl smiling with flowers

Girl handing flowers with a smile

woman holding pink carnations

woman with a bouquet of carnations

Girl sniffing with carnation

Woman with carnation

Hand with a flower

Back view of daughter and mother giving carnation

Woman smelling a bouquet of carnations

Sister and brother with flowers

4 family members with carnations

A woman holding a bouquet of carnations and tilting her head

Boy and mother with carnations

Mother and son with a carnation bouquet

A girl holding a flower with both hands and posing

At hand of a girl with a single flower

Girl turning around with flowers

Girl holding flowers with both hands

Daughter and parent and child holding flowers in both hands

Men with carnations

Happy girl with flowers

A girl laughing with a bunch of flowers

A girl with a single flower

Girl sniffing carnation

Grandson who will give red carnations to grandma

A woman holding a bouquet of carnations and turning around

A son with a carnation and a mother hugging her daughter behind

A woman looking far away with a carnation (vertical)

Mother turning to her son with a bouquet of carnations

Sideways woman with carnation

A girl laughing with a flower in front of her chest

A girl holding a flower with her right hand

Woman happily holding flowers

A child who puts a carnation on his nose

A boy who looks happy with flowers

A boy holding a single flower

A woman closes her eyes and smells a bouquet of carnations

Boy and woman holding carnations for Mother's Day

Girl with carnation

A boy holding a flower and looking at the camera

Boys and parents with flowers with a smile

Girl happily holding flowers

Boy passing flowers

Hands of a woman with carnations

Girl holding flowers with both hands

A boy with a smile and a flower in front of his father

A smiling woman holding a bouquet of carnations

Grandson giving carnations to grandma
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